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An overview of ISO 45003

27 augustus 2024
Unsure about the requirements for ISO 45003? Join our free webinar to learn about the psychological health & safety at work standard from our NQA UK experts.


Date: Tuesday 27th August 2024
Time: 2pm BST / 9am EST / 6:30pm IST
Duration: 45 mins + Q&A

Join our resident NQA UK experts on the ISO 45003 standard, Cathy Donnelly and Terry Fisher, as they go through an overview of the occupational health and safety management requirements.

If you are struggling to navigate through the complexities of the standard, this webinar will support you and your organisation in showing how the development, implementation and continual improvement of healthy and safe workplaces can be achieved through certification.

What will the webinar cover?

  • An overview of the ISO 45003 standard 

  • Understanding the requirements of the standard

  • Common areas for discussion within the ISO 45003 standard

  • PLUS: an interactive Q&A session with both Cathy and Terry

Who is the webinar for?

  • UK organisations / non-UK organisations (ISO 45003 is a global standard)

  • Existing / potential NQA clients considering ISO 45003

  • Organisations at any stage of their occupational health and safety management journey

Which NQA experts will deliver the webinar?

  • Terry Fisher (Principal Assessor for Health and Safety)

  • Cathy Donnelly (Client Executive - Health and Safety)

If you’re unable to attend…Register your place below, and you will receive a recording of the webinar, a copy of the slides and access to any materials used during the session.