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Series: Journey to Carbon Verification - 3 Webinars

19 juli 2024
Join our free 3 part series of Carbon Verification webinars where we will discuss the ISO 14064 family of standards and dive into the different stages of carbon reporting, management and verification.


The 14064 family of standards highlights how the demand for carbon reporting is rapidly increasing due to regulatory, societal, and supply chain requirements and expectations. With businesses needing to comply with future net zero targets and take action to ensure their preparedness for future changes, a comprehensive understanding of the standards is necessary.

~ PART 1 - Carbon Quantification Mitigation and Reporting: Your Options for Verification Standards and Other Guidance. 

Date: Friday 19th July 2024
Time: 2pm BST / 9am EST / 6:30pm IST
Duration: 45 mins + Q&A

What will the first webinar cover?

  • Introduction and context behind carbon reporting

  • Breakdown of carbon verification standards and their position for businesses

  • Purpose and value of third-party verification

  • PLUS: an interactive Q&A session

~ PART 2 - Getting Started on Your Carbon Reporting

Date: Thursday 22nd August 2024
Time: 2pm BST / 9am EST / 6:30pm IST
Duration: 45 mins + Q&A

Setting Organisational and Reporting Boundaries, Preparing your Methodology, Undertaking the Calculations and Scope 1, 2, and 3 Options, Establishing Baselines, Using Conversation Factors, and Materiality.

What will the second webinar cover?

  • How to get started with carbon verification standards

  • Understanding key carbon reporting and verification terminology

  • A deeper dive into the mechanisms behind your carbon footprint

  • Purpose and value of third-party verification

  • PLUS: an interactive Q&A session

~ PART 3 - GHG Mitigation, Reporting, Offsetting and Removals

Date: Friday 13th September 2024
Time: 2pm BST / 9am EST / 6:30pm IST
Duration: 45 mins + Q&A

What will the third webinar cover?

  • Final requirements for conformance against key carbon verification standards

  • Understanding carbon reporting and verification terminology

  • Documentation and reporting requirements

  • Purpose and value of third-party verification

  • PLUS: an interactive Q&A session

If you’re unable to attend…Register your place below, and you will receive a recording of the webinar, a copy of the slides and access to any materials used during the session.