Supply Chain Assurance and Risk Management
03 February 2021
Watch this video where Tim Pinnell, NQA's Information Security Assurance Manager and Dominic Owen from Tuned to R.I.S.K Ltd take a closer look at security, resilience and privacy in the supply chain.
Please feel free to download the slides here.
Covid has shown how vulnerable organisations are to supply chain disruption. With an unresolved Brexit looming the risks are even greater. The fragility of extended supply chains is more than ever before a real threat to enterprise resilience. Lean, Just in Time, financial stability, and geo-political uncertainty are just some of the factors that can impact the supply base.
This video explores the issues further, with a closer look at security, resilience and privacy in the supply chain. It’s for business managers who are asking the ‘So what?’ question – what don’t I know, what should I know and how do I go about finding it? It will also introduce a method for measuring the supply chain risk in business terms.
Book your place on our Advanced: Managing Supply Chain Relationships course for a focussed and in-depth look at some of the tools and techniques to help you efficiently improve your Supply Chain and get the most out of your relationships within it.