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Switching ISO certification body? Don’t forget these factors

27 March 2023
3-minute read

When dealing with UKAS accredited certification bodies, your business deserves the very best. But how exactly do you find them?

In this article, NQA guides you through 5 factors to consider when transferring certification, and how to start today in 3 easy steps.

Did-you-know-NQA-(2).jpgAlready sold on NQA? Visit our ‘Transfer to NQA’ page for everything you need to get started today.

Factor #1: pricing that matches the outcome

Is your company centuries-old like GRAHAM Construction? Are you a global leader involved in FMCG like Zepf Technologies?

No matter the size or industry of your business, one thing remains: an ISO certification body that is there for you regardless of your bottom line.

Remember that price doesn’t always equal quality. That’s why we recommend reading case studies and client reviews, just to ensure you’re getting the best deal now (and in 3 years when you apply for recertification).

NQA keeps track of the industry to ensure our pricing stays competitive, with 100% upfront fees and no hidden charges.

Factor #2: customer service that stands out

Gaining approval from an ISO certification body is rarely a one-time investment. Some companies may not offer support for every essential step to certification, including:

  • Preparing for the initial audit

  • Booking the various audit stages

  • Recertification (after 3 years)

It makes you think: how much easier would the day-to-day running of your business be if you had an ISO certification body you could rely on?

NQA guarantees friendly and professional support, no matter the query. Our Net Promoter Score is 70 to prove it, too!


Factor #3: plenty of opportunities to improve

Sometimes, staying with the same ISO certification body can limit opportunities.

It may look like assessors coming up with similar recommendations as before, or they might turn a blind eye to potential areas of improvement (whether intentional or not).

By seeing what other UKAS accredited certification bodies are out there, you can enjoy a new and fresh perspective of your business under the microscope.

NQA auditors (or ‘assessors’) are renowned for identifying areas of improvement. It’s why our mantra is ‘Never Stop Improving’.

Factor #4: maximum efficiency, easy integration

Integrating management systems can save your business hard-earned money and time.

For example, given their lookalike nature, you might be thinking of integrating ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and ISO 45001 (Health & Safety Management).

After integrating systems with your new ISO certification body, here are some of the benefits you can expect to see:

  • Eliminated redundancies… remove repetitive tasks by finding commonalities in training procedures, management reviews, internal improvements, and more.

  • Reduced costs… cut down on time spent doing activities (not to mention being interrupted) by having various audits and assessments rolled into one.

  • Less maintenance… make it easier to keep to management standard requirements (and improve your business) by having compliance checks at the same time.

NQA is one of the leading UKAS accredited certification bodies for integration. We can bring separate sites under one certification, too.


Factor #5: experts who really know their trade

Alongside a professional and friendly certification body, you need an expert auditor.

Your chosen ISO certification body should provide an assessor with impressive know-how and direct experience in that specific industry.

The assessor should also have a laser focus on the essential issues:

  • Strategy

  • Objectives

  • Key risks

  • Opportunities

…not to mention a friendly, personable approach.

NQA auditors are among the best globally, with 97% of clients referring to them as fair, knowledgeable, and courteous.

Final thoughts from Team NQA

Taking the time to learn more about different UKAS accredited certification bodies is always worthwhile – no matter your reason for switching.

Did-you-know-NQA-(3).jpgReady to replace your current ISO certification body with NQA? Get in touch today!
