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Home Resources Legal Updates September 2024

The Windsor Framework (Retail Movement Scheme: Plant and Animal Health) (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2024

01 September 2024
  • The Official Controls (Plant Health) (Frequency of Checks) Regulations 2022.
  • Assimilated Regulation 2019/2072 establishing uniform conditions for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 as regards protective measures against pests of plants.
  • Assimilated Regulation 2017/625 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products.

Comes into force:
2nd September 2024 and 26th April 2025.

Great Britain 

Amendment to The Official Controls (Plant Health) (Frequency of Checks) Regulations 2022 and to Assimilated Regulation 2017/625 

From 2nd September 2024, the entry requirements for imports of cut herbs of basil and cut flowers of carnations, roses, Gypsophila and Chrysanthemum originating from non-EU third countries into Great Britain, are updated. This has been done in order to align the entry requirements for plants to be the same as the rest of the world. 

Amendment to Assimilated Regulation 2019/2072 

From 26th April 2025, the entry requirements for imports of cut roses from non-EU countries into Great Britain are updated, to prevent the introduction of the pests Thaumatotibia leucotreta and Phytophthora ramorum.

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