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Home Resources Legal Updates September 2017

Change in the Regulatory Test Procedure for Emission Performance Standards for New Passenger Cars.

28 September 2017

This Regulation establishes emission performance requirements for new passenger cars registered in the Community, which form part of the Community's approach to reducing CO2 emissions from light-duty vehicles.
It specifies that passenger car manufacturers meet an average carbon dioxide emissions limit of 130 g/km or pay a penalty. This Regulation also provides credits for vehicles with carbon dioxide emissions of less than 50 g/km and sets a target of 95 g/km as average emissions for the new car fleet from 2020 onwards.
What is the amended legislation: Regulation (EC) 443/2009 (OJ:L140/1/2009)
What is the new legislation: Regulation (EU) 2017/1502
Who does this affect: Europe
When does this change take place: 2020 onwards
The regulations adds:

  • a fleet average to be achieved by all cars registered in the EU of 130 g/km.  A so-called limit value curve implies that heavier cars are allowed higher emissions than lighter cars while preserving the overall fleet average;

  • lower penalty payments for small excess emissions until 2018.  If the average carbon dioxide emissions of a manufacturer's fleet exceed its limit value in any year from 2012, the manufacturer has to pay an excess emissions premium for each car registered.  This premium amounts to:

    • €5 for the first g/km which exceeds its limit value,

    • €15 for the second g/km,

    • €25 for the third g/km, and €95 for each subsequent g/km,

The full text of the Regulations may be found here.