Home Resources Legal Updates April 2019

Radiological Protection Act 1991 (Ionising Radiation) Regulations 2019

24 April 2019

Regulation: Radiological Protection Act 1991 (Ionising Radiation) Regulations 2019
Amendment: Radiological Protection Act 1991 (Ionising Radiation) Order 2000
Came into force: 8th February 2019
Jurisdiction: ROI

These Regulations transpose the Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM known as the Basic Safety Standards Directive. It also transposes certain provisions of Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM of 19 July 2011 (the Nuclear Waste Directive), establishing a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste. For more information click here.
Part 1 - Citations, Definitions and Scope
Part 2 -  Regulatory Control

  • Justification of practices

  • Justification of practices involving consumer products

  • Prohibited practices

  • Notification

  • Exemption from Notification

  • Registration or Licensing

  • Licensing

  • Authorisation

  • Registrations

  • Non-Medical Imaging Practices

  • Radioactive Waste Licences

  • Licensing of importation / exportation of Radioactive waste

  • Release from Regulatory Control

Part 3 - System of Radiation Protection

  • Dose constraints for occupational and public exposure

  • Reference Levels

  • Age limit for exposed workers       

  • Dose limits for occupational exposure

  • Protection of pregnant / breastfeeding workers

  • Specially Authorised Exposures

  • Dose Limits -  Apprentices and Students

  • Dose Limits -  Public Exposure

  • Estimation of effective and Equivalent Dose

Part 4 - Protection of exposed workers, apprentices and students

  • Responsibilities of undertaking and employers

  • Arrangements in workplaces

  • Prior Risk Assessment    

  • Radiation Safety Procedures

  • Consultations with a Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA).

  • Role of the Radiation Protection Officer (RPO)

  • Radiation Protection Education, Training and Information

  • Classification of workplaces

  • Requirements for Controlled and Supervised Area

  • Radiological surveillance of the workplace

Part 5 - Categorisation & Monitoring of workers

  • Categorisation of exposed workers

  • Operational protection of apprentices and students

  • Individual Monitoring

  • Recording and Reporting of results

  • Access to results of individual monitoring.

  • National Dose Register

  • Medical surveillance of exposed workers

  • Medical Classification

  • Medical records

  • Special Medical Surveillance

  • Appeals - Medical Surveillance

  • Duties of exposed workers, apprentices, students and employers

Part 6 - Public Exposures

  • Tasks for the undertaking

  • Monitoring of radioactive discharges

  • Estimation of doses to members of public

Part 7 - Emergency Preparedness & response

  • National Plan for nuclear and radiological emergency exposures

  • Contaminated Areas and Existing Exposure Situations

  • Major Emergency plans

  • Emergency Preparedness for Licensed Undertakings

  • Duty of undertaking to inform members of public likely to be affected

  • Emergency response

  • Communication and recording of significant events

  • Emergency Occupational Exposure

Part 8 - Naturally Occurring Radiation

  • Radon in workplaces

  • Gamma radiation from building materials

  • Identification of practices involving naturally occurring radioactive material

Part 9 - Control of Radioactive Sources

  • Control of radioactive sources and radiation generators of practices

  • Requirements for control of high activity sealed sources

  • Specific requirements for licensing of high-activity sealed sources

  • Record keeping by the undertaking

  • Record keeping by competent authority

  • Control of high activity sealed sources

  • Metal contamination in recycling installations

  • Detection of orphan sources

Part 10 - Services and Experts

  • Recognition of Dosimetry Services

  • Radiation Protection Advisers

  • Radiation Protection Officer

Part 11 - Enforcement

  • Inspections

  • Enforcement Notices

Part 12 - Revocation of Legislation
Part 13 - Transitional Provisions

  • Licences

  • Applications for Licences

  • Dosimetry Services

  • Radiation Protection Advisers