Chain of Custody Certification
Chain of Custody certification is designed to help organisations prove traceability of certified material as it flows through all points of the supply chain. It is not dependent, nor limited to organisations that are already holding certification to other schemes and it is available regardless of organisation size. There are different Chain of Custody certification schemes, according to the type of material that you are tracing.
Chain of Custody certification of your timber or timber-derived products provides independently verified assurance that the wood used originates from responsibly sourced forests and that the material has been tracked through every stage of the process, from forest to end-user.
Chain of Custody certification cost
Our certification costs are based on a daily rate for audit activity and additional administrative and certification costs. Companies with multiple operating facilities can apply for cost-effective, multi-site certification.
Certification body licence:
• FSC™ A000503
• PEFC/16-44-002
• SFl-01445
Find out more about our FSC™ and PEFC Certification services by visiting our FSC and PEFC Certification page here .
NQA uses the name and branding 'BM TRADA' for Management Systems Certification, Supply Chain and Chain of Custody Certification services under licence.
Helps you with
Having your Chain of Custody system independently certified demonstrates to your customers your commitment to responsible supply chain management. Specifically, chain of custody certification will provide:
Added value to your products and services
Access to new markets enabling you to win new customers
Compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements
Enhanced business reputation and confidence in the supply chain
Assurance to your customers that they are contributing to environmental conservation and economic stability.
By implementing and maintaining a robust chain of custody system, companies can provide assurances to suppliers and clients, that their products are sourced and produced in compliance with the highest ecological, social and economic standards.
Chain of custody certification works through the entire supply chain to provide proof of traceability back to well-managed, controlled or recycled sources. Certification provides market access including Government Procurement Policy compliance.
Is Chain of Custody certification right for me?
Chain of Custody certification is open to all organisations regardless of market impact, turnover, size or memberships. Chain of Custody certification is not dependent, nor limited to organisations that are already holding certification to other schemes.
NQA Certification Limited t/a BM TRADA will be happy to consider quoting for any organisation that is interested in Chain of Custody certification.
Why choose BM TRADA?
NQA Certification Limited t/a BM TRADA is a leading international certification body and has extensive experience in the sustainability sector.
Choosing us means you are working with a certification body whose name is readily accepted by regulators, purchasers and suppliers around the world.
If you’d like to learn more or have any questions, you can reach out to us at +44 (0) 1494 569 955 or contact us via email at